DevOps > Jenkins 1 second ago

In jenkins 50 job got failed, how we can approach this situation? What might be the reason

In jenkins 50 job got failed, how we can approach this situation? What might be the reason

316 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 0 shares Gopalamugunthan C 1 answers

In jenkins 50 job got failed, how we can approach this situation? What might be the reason


Answers (1)

Kapil Kapil Best Answer 2 years ago

There could be multiple reasons a pipeline is being failed. below are a few areas to look around:

1) Pipeline with incorrect parameter values is running, stop the pipeline.

2) Check the application code if there are any new changes made recently

3) There could be a maven build that might have failed

4) There could be test cases run by unit test methods or Sonarqube which might have caused the build to fail

5) There could Jenkins permission issue

6) There could be a tools path issue, such as for git or java

7) There could be the possibility of Jenkins file syntax error

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