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What is CrumbId in Jenkins and how important it is to use CrumbId for CSRF protection
If kubernetes not supporting Docker then what is the use of docker in kubernetes and Do i need to learn any other container engine tool which supports for kbernetes
can we stop instance which is in Auto scaling when policies are applied do we need to remove them and stop it can you pls brief on this
Can you help me how to prepare for DevOps interview Need preparation plan and interview questions and mini projects to get implement myself
Create VPC in AWS provider quot aws quot region quot us-east-1 quot access key quot xxxxxxxx quot secret key quot xxxxxxxxxxx quot terraform backend quot s3 quot bucket quot nukamanojs3bucket quot key quot terrastate vpc quot region quot us-east-1 quot resource quot aws vpc quot quot nukamanoj quot cidr block quot 172 32 0 0 16 quot