DevOps 1 hour ago
How to schedule a pod to run on specific worker node in k8s cluster
315 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 1 hour ago . 0 shares sashangy kumar 1 answers

Suppose there is 3 worker node A B C in the k8s cluster I want to schedule a pod on worker node C in the k8s cluster

n my kubectl describe pod web , I did not get any events. its is saying no events? is that ok]

DevOps 12 hours ago
n my kubectl describe pod web , I did not get any events. its is saying no events? is that ok]
270 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 12 hours ago . 0 shares srinivas kannan 1 answers

in my kubectl describe pod web I did not get any events its is saying no events is that ok

DevOps 13 hours ago
HELM doesnt get my latest service.yaml file
253 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 13 hours ago . 0 shares Razvan Maftei 1 answers

PR are you availble for 1to1 sesions paid of course I have made the entire infra until EKS like in your sessions but HELM doesn 39 t want to deploy my service yaml file after I do a change Please help me razvanamaftei gmail com 40765348381

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DevOps 18 hours ago
Will the K8s cluster be created separately for the production environment?
255 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 18 hours ago . 0 shares vikesh vicky 1 answers

DevOps 1 day ago
Pods secret
223 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 1 day ago . 0 shares kelvin osarenkoe 1 answers

How to create secrete from outside the EKS cluster and configure the secret to Pods using secret manager

DevOps 1 day ago
what does it mean kubernetes not supports for Docker?
212 views . 0 answers . 0 likes . 1 day ago . 0 shares vikesh vicky 0 answers

If kubernetes not supporting Docker then what is the use of docker in kubernetes and Do i need to learn any other container engine tool which supports for kbernetes

DevOps 1 day ago
In PVC concept ,what will be use of ebs which created along with pod in K8
234 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 1 day ago . 0 shares sivakumar Akula 1 answers

As per PVC concept external volumes are created and attached to pod what will be use of default ebs which created along with pod in K8

DevOps 1 week ago
What is Name Space in Kubernetes?
306 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 1 week ago . 1 shares Sujatha D 1 answers

What is Namespace in Kubernetes and how Namespaces are useful in realtime deployments