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how can we decide which instance will be terminated first in Autoscaling group is it by round robin method
can we stop instance which is in Auto scaling when policies are applied do we need to remove them and stop it can you pls brief on this
You have a distributed application that periodically processes large volumes of data across multiple Amazon EC2 Instances The application is designed to recover gracefully from Amazon EC2 instance failures You are required to accomplish this task in the most cost effective way How you will meet this requirements
Say If I have created One Linux EC2 instance and attached two volumes with it Say Vol-1 and Vol-2 Now after login to the machine If I create a file- File-1 how can I check in which Volume it got created As it may happen in future I want to detach the unused volume in that case it would required for me to check the volume in which we have some data
I was trying to configure lifecycle rule for logs in my bucket per the assignment below I uploaded the logs to a quot logs quot folder created at the root level of the bucket https devopsrealtime com deploy-html-based-static-web-application-on-aws-ec2 comment-23 If i want to specify a prefix to filter for only the log files instead of using the option of selecting all objects for the transition rule what will the prefix be logs OR logs OR logs
Hi PR In class you mentioned SSM will be useful if instance launched in Private subnet to connect from AWS GUI SSM connect as part of Ansible assignment control node launched in private subnet and assign the SSM role The SSM agent running fine but SSM Connect option disabled then I configured three VPC endpoints region az ssm region az ec2 region az message to connect to the EC2 instances through system manager-- gt session manager-- start session what is the use of SSM Can you please give us real time scenarios the use of SSM In asnsible assignment the instance in Private subnet and not able to get the code from Bit bucket as well I try to get from S3 bucket as well but that time not able to list the s3 buckets as well might be issue with my s3 configuration
in my kubectl describe pod web I did not get any events its is saying no events is that ok
Hi After I prepared my golden AMI by attaching IAM role granting SSM access and user data I delete golden instance My ASG lunch a new instance using golden image However after lunch I cant see the attached IAM role and user data I have used lunch config to attach my golden ami I have also attached SSM role to my lunch configuration In summery my auto lunch instance does not keep user data and IAM role which was configured in golden ami Any thoughts Thanks Showeb