DevOps > Jenkins 1 second ago

What is CrumbId in Jenkins? and how important it is to use CrumbId for CSRF protection?

What is CrumbId in Jenkins? and how important it is to use CrumbId for CSRF protection?

441 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 1 shares Sujatha D 1 answers

What is CrumbId in Jenkins? and how important it is to use CrumbId for CSRF protection? 


Answers (1)

PR Reddy Best Answer 3 years ago

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is the security vulnerability in web applications which allows to perform actions in Jenkins from other websites. Its highly recommended to enable CSRF to protect Jenkins from cross site operations.

CSRF protection is the concept of creating crumb (token) for the Jenkins and the user must provide crumb every time to build or change the Jenkins configuration.

For more details visit below link 


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