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what is key difference b/w AWS s3 and EBS interms of security and performance and levels

what is key difference b/w AWS s3 and EBS interms of security and performance and levels

395 views . 1 answers . 0 likes . 0 shares sivakumar Akula 1 answers


Answers (1)

PR Reddy Best Answer 3 years ago

AWS provides below storage options to store the data and be able to retrieve the data when needed.

  1. EBS Volumes - Persistent Block Storage, Standalone
  2. Instant Store Volumes -  Buffer/Cache Block Storage
  3. EFS - Elastic & Network supported Block Storage, Distributed Design
  4. Amazon S3 Buckets - Object Based Storage
  5. Amazon RDS - Dynamic & Relational Data

Each storage solution is designed for specific use cases as mentioned above.

Encryption algorithm is the same for all storage solutions. Amazon uses KMS service to provide "Encryption at Rest" for all the data that is stored in the AWS cloud storage.

Performance is also equally balanced across all storage solutions, however,

  1. Instant Store Volumes provide good performance over EBS volumes as these are hardware attached volumes. 
  2. EFS storage is the network attached storage solution offered with Performance Tuning options to optimize the best performance. 
  3. Amazon S3 buckets are Object based storage solutions and S3 buckets can be configured with CDN to optimize the performance to serve the data across the regions equally. 
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