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can you brief what is Auto-scaling? its scope in AWS

can you brief what is Auto-scaling? its scope in AWS

324 views . 1 answers . 1 likes . 0 shares sivakumar Akula 1 answers


Answers (1)

PR Reddy Best Answer 2 years ago

AWS Cloudwatch Alarms are configured to monitor compute resources like CPU and alert when the utilization reaches  threshold. 

AWS Auto-Scaling is an action configured to Cloudwatch Alarm that scales the compute resources horizontally. As a result of Cloudwatch Alarm, Auto-Scaling can launch new EC2 instances automatically using the Launch Configuration or Launch Templates and new EC2 instances are added to the Load balancer as targets and start receiving the traffic.

Auto-Scaling helps in maintaining the right size of computing resources proportional to the application load to avoid the performance issues. 

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